what is reiki

What is Reiki?

what is reiki

The word Reiki is made up of two parts.  The first part, “rei” means life force and the last part, “ki” is energy.  Put together, it translates to life-force energy.  Reiki is a Japanese healing modality that harnesses that life-force energy to use in healing, reducing stress, balancing emotion and raising consciousness.

The foundation of reiki is the belief that everything in the universe is made up of energy.  It’s at the core of every person and every thing.  We are all made up of atoms, molecules, and vibrations.  If we are feeling stressed, listless, depressed, our psychic energy levels are low.  Connection to life force energy through reiki can boost that life-force energy and be healing.

Universal energy has always been around, but it did take someone to recognize its existence and develop a way to use it. Its founder was Mikao Usui, a Japanese doctor.  Usui developed the reiki modality after a 21-day journey, one in which he spent on a mountain fasting and meditating.  After coming down off the mountain, the healing method was revealed to him in a state of meditation.  During that meditative state, he saw the reiki symbols presented to him.  After his experience, he developed the healing modality.  He performed it on others as well as mentored other teachers.

The essential Five Reiki Precepts are:

  1. Do not be angry
  2. Do not worry
  3. Be grateful
  4. Work diligently
  5. Be kind


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